Post-pandemic medicines: towards a new normality


The Covid-19 Pandemic has caused two types of phenomena: on one hand, it has profoundly changed people's lives, calling into question even the most normal behaviours, such as being able to walk out of the house; on the other, it has accelerated the consolidation of new habits, not necessarily appropriate. This is the case of behaviours linked to the dimension of care, of self-diagnosis and the consequent self-care are approaches amplified by the ongoing pandemic, bringing to light the lack of an overall vision of the Italian care system and in particular of the medicine management. This paper explores this issue, firstly offering an overview of the problems and the changes taking place, and then offering some potential openings on project ideas. These openings would rethink the future processes of homecare and the entire drug supply chain, from production to distribution, up to post-sale tracking and consumption, to disposal

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