The ADKAR® change management model for farmer profiling with regard to antimicrobial stewardship in livestock production


Antimicrobial stewardship in veterinary practice and animal production is important from a One Health perspective. The ADKAR® change management model is a well-known strategy to implement behavioral change in people and small businesses. The objective of this study was to adapt the existing ADKAR® change management model to enable herd veterinarians to profile farmers with regard to antimicrobial stewardship. Therefore, an antimicrobial stewardship related scoring scale was defined. Subsequently, ADKAR® profiles of 26 poultry and 28 pig farmers from Belgium and the Netherlands were determined. For 57% of the farmers, perception and/or motivation were expected to limit successful change. For 70% of the farmers, knowledge and for 52% of the farmers, a lack of ability were the limiting factor. The ADKAR® model proved useful for identifying the key elements that prevent successful behavioral change in farmers to reduce the use of antibiotics in farm animals

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