Decentralized approach for data security of Medical IoT Devices


In recent years, smart medical devices have become part of people's daily lives. The massive diffusion of these devices is due to the increasing availability and accessibility to hardware resources with limited features but sufficient to perform a particular task (i.e., monitoring of heartbeat, blood oxygenation, etc.). Recently it has been possible to allow these devices to connect with the outside world, and through the internet, they have become part of what is now generally defined as the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. Due to the limited computing power of these devices, very often security protocols are neglected or sometimes impossible to implement. In many cases this is not a problem, but in the medical field this issue is immediately crucial. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of decentralized systems for the collection and certification of data from medical IoT (MIoT) devices. In particular, a software hardware architecture capable of connecting MIoT devices with a decentralized system based on Blockchain and Smart Contract has been described. The results obtained are promising, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed solution

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