Indicazioni ad interim sul contenimento del contagio da SARS-CoV-2 e sull’igiene degli alimenti nell’ambito della ristorazione e somministrazione degli alimenti. Versione del 27 maggio 2020


This report deepens the issues related to contagion containment and food hygiene in the food service industry in the "Phase 2" of the COVID-19 epidemic. The food service industry represents a noteworthy sector. Conditions such as crowding, limited air turnover, prolonged stay and - in relation to the consumption of meals - the impossibility of face mask use can occur within the premises intended for food administration. In addition, the consumption of food and drink inevitably determines the close exposure of hands, objects and products, potential vehicle of the virus, to the face. In the food service sector, physical distancing and other risk mitigation measures, a redefinition of the business organization and an increase of food hygiene standards are particularly relevant

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