Control of an unmaned aerial vehicle using a camera


V diplomski nalogi se lotimo naloge vodenja kvadrokopterja skozi poligon obročev, ki imajo na spodnji strani nameščeno ArUco značko. Prvi korak je modeliranje gibanja letanika s prenosnimi funkcijami, posamezno za vsako prostorno stopnjo premika. S pomočjo Strejčeve metode identificiramo prenosne funkcije in prilagodimo parametre tako, da se ujemajo s posnetim signalom odziva realnega sistmea pri vzbujanju s stopničastim vhodnim signalom. Na osnovi dokončanih modelov izberemo vrsto regulatorja ter ga načrtamo, spet, za vsak premik posamezno. V nadaljevanju analiziramo stabilnost zaprtozančnega sistema s pomočjo Nyqustiovega in Bodejevega diagrama in prilagodimo konstante regulatorja tako, da je model robustno stabilen. Ko imamo vse parametre regulatorja, regulator implementiramo v programsko kodo in poskus izvedemo na letalniku. V teku poskusa snemamo izhodne signale, da jih lahko primerjamo s simuliranimi.In the thesis we address the problem of controlling a quad-copter trough a polygon of rings witch have an ArUco marker on the bottom. The first step is to model drone’s movements with transfer functions for each degree of freedom individually. With the use of Strejc method we identify transfer functions and adjust parameters in such a way that the signals of the models match recorded output of a real system when the input is a step function signal. On the basis of finished models we pick a controller and construct it, once again, for each degree of freedom individually. In continuation, we analyze stability with Nyquist and Bode diagrams and adjust controller constants so the model is robustly stable. Once we have all controller parameters, the controller is implemented in the code and the experiment is done on the real drone. During the experiment, we record all output signals so we can compare them to simulated ones

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