Influence of transient phenomena in the discharge coefficient through the intake valve in an internal combustion engine


Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.The project of engine intake systems involves optimization of parameters such as the pipe length and diameter, junctions, and opening and closing times of the intake and exhaust valves. The correct sizing leads to an increase of the air mass admitted to the cylinders at the desired engine operational conditions. A suitable design of the intake valves in internal combustion engines is one of the factors that maximize the amount of intake air mass to the cylinder. The parameter that determines the maximization of the mass flow through the valves is called discharge coefficient. The mass flow through the valve is usually described by the compressible flow equation through a restriction, based on a dimensional analysis of an isentropic flow. In the present work, pressure variations caused by the valve movement were investigated experimentally considering an intake system. The objective was to study and compare the dynamic response of the flow through the intake valve. For this purpose, curves of mass flow rate and the dynamic pressure in several locations of the intake system were obtained. The experimental data were obtained from the intake system connected to a cylinder head. The cylinder head was installed in an air supply system consisted by a blower, a flow measurement device, and a reservoir chamber. The valves were driven by an electric motor with controlled rotational speed. The results showed that the correct design of the intake valve affects positively the air mass flow rate.cf201

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