Investigations into the function and chemical compositions of the porose areas secretion of Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi during oviposition


Major differences were observed in hexane, ethanol and butanol extracts of eggs obtained from Rhipicephillus evertsi evertsi females in which the porose areas functioned normally (AP⁺ eggs) and from R. evertsi evertsi in which the porose areas were selectively destroyed by electrocautery (APˉeggs). Mass yields and UV spectra of the hexane extracts were similar for AP⁺ and APˉeggs. The UV spectra changed only slightly in the 294-320 nm range with respect to time and temperature. High performance liquid chromatography revealed 2 components which originate from the porose areas. Mass spectroscopy of these components indicated the presence of aliphatic and phenolic groups. The ethanol and butanol extracts showed quantitative but no qualitative differences with respect to AP⁺ and APˉeggs. Electrophoretic fractionation of the butanol extracts revealed the presence of proteins in the secretion of the porose areas. Apart from this information on the chemical composition of the secretion, no indication was obtained of their function during oviposition of R. evertsi evertsi.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

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