Correctional criminology : an innovative South African practice


In South Africa, the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) presents a platform for criminological research, practice and expertise. Working with offenders offer criminologists an opportunity to link theory with practice, test and explore theoretical frameworks, and gain practical experience in working with, understanding and explaining criminal behaviour. In South Africa, criminological expertise has been offered to DCS since the middle 1990s. These criminological contributions assist DCS with overburdened case loads and the criminological involvement contributes to vital multidisciplinary inputs regarding offending behaviour and the rehabilitation of offenders. Correctional Criminology entails various forms of expert assistance to DCS regarding offenders and offending behaviour. One such is criminological offender assessments and profiling. Another criminological contribution concerns the rehabilitation and preparation of offenders for reintegration and the physical and emotional health of offenders (i.e. prison rape issues) in correctional facilities. This article briefly outlines international Correctional Criminology trends while alluding to unique (selected) South African criminological practices in corrections. The article further explores and describes South African criminologists specialising in Correctional Criminology.

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