CFD simulations of the spent fuel pool in the loss of coolant accident


Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malta, 16-18 July, 2012.The study utilized the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology to investigate the thermal hydraulic behavior during the hypothetical event of normal operation and loss of cooling accident occurring at spent fuel pool. The boiling time, water level decreasing rate, fuel exposure time and temperature response after fuel exposure for the nuclear power plants under the accident were predicted in this study. We also analyze the flow and heat transfer for the single Atrium-10 fuel bundle. The details of the physics will be shown in this study. The results indicate that the fuel temperature in the pool will not exceed 1200°C to avoid the water-metal reaction after failure of RHR system for 4.578 days. We find that the velocity in the bundle are much faster than outside of the bundle under the LOCA accident.dc201

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