Aggregation pheromones of the bont tick Amblyomma hebraeum : identification of candidates for bioassay


Volatiles emitted by male Amblyomma hebraeum while feeding on a rabbit were quantitatively sampled by the dynamic solvent effect and analysed by capillary gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Changes in emissions of 2-methyl propanoic acid, benzaldehyde and 2-nitrophenol paralleled reported increases in the attractiveness of males to conspecific ticks after 4-5 days of feeding. These compounds are therefore candidates for the bioassay of pheromonal activity.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.lmchunu2014mn201

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