Using MV overshoot as a tuning metric in choosing DMC move suppression values


Traditionally the tuning of dynamic matrix control (DMC) type multivariable controllers is done by trial and error. The APC engineer chooses arbitrary starting values and tests the performance on a simulated controller. The engineer then either increases the values to suppress movement more, or decreases them to have the manipulated variables move faster. When the controller performs acceptably in simulation, then the tuning is improved during the commissioning of the controller on the plant. This is a time consuming and unscientific exercise and therefore often does not get the required attention. This leads to unacceptable controller behaviour during commissioning and sub-optimal control once commissioning is completed. This paper presents a new method to obtain move suppression factors for DMC type multivariable controllers by using a Nelder Mead search algorithm to find move suppressions that will provide acceptable control behaviour. Acceptable behaviour is described by characterising the dynamic move plan calculated by the controller for each of the manipulated variables.

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