Analysis and views on the report of the reflection group on NATO 2030: United for a new era


During London Summit held in 2019, allied leaders had a substantive discussion, among other political and security issues, to initiate a “reflection process in order to further strengthen the political dimension of NATO. In that regard Secretary General Stoltenberg in 2019 stressed that “as the world changes, NATO will continue to change”. Going back in the past, we can notice that since its foundation in 1949, NATO has faced numerous challenges related to its own survival. All those adaptations have helped NATO to build appropriate tools and mechanisms and gain political and military strength. Today, NATO is strong, but it has to continue to adapt and respond to a changing security environment. Looking up to 2030, the need for collective defence of the Alliance to protect Europe and North America against threats to their physical security and democratic way of life is as strong as ever. Today, and in the future NATO has to strengthen its political and military adaptation by developing a capability for dealing with emerging challenging threats. To continue adapting the Alliance to this unpredictability, Allied leaders launched the NATO 2030 initiative. Today, the world does not just face one clear challenge, but multiple, complex challenges, from pandemics to infodemics, from climate change to disruptive technologies. So far, well-known threats like terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations will persist, even as new risks loom from pandemics and climate change, to the emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) that present both dangers and opportunities for the Alliance. Fulfilling this role will require even greater cohesion and ability to act collectively against shared threats. This is a way for NATO to be in a stronger position than the others, both in the fight to protect the freedom and security of its members and in acting as an essential pillar of an open and stable international order. The initiation of the reflection process is a serious step towards the preparation of a new Alliance`s Strategic Concept that will replace the existing one from 2010 and pave the way for the development of the Alliance until 2030 and beyond

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