
Intra-hospital infections in relation to use of disinfectants and antiseptics in selected health institutions in Republic of Macedonia


Introduction - Intra-hospital infections are clinically manifested from 48 to 72 hours after the infection. Objective – The aim of this study was to review of the use of antiseptics and disinfectants in selected hospitals in Republic of Macedonia over five years period in relation to appearance of intra-hospital infections. Materials and Methods - Data from hospitals and public health centers in Strumica, Ohrid, Veles, Stip and Kavadarci over five years were used. Results - The results indicate that the amount of disinfectants and antiseptics consumed comparing with the microbiological data indicates their rational utilization starting from 2012. and significant reduction of contamination with conditionally pathogenic bacteria. Conclusions - In general disinfectants and antiseptics were used optimally and correctly according to the needs of the hospitals investigated. We would like to suggest the implementation of disinfection process validation as standardization measure as well as more often routine microbiological controls. Keywords: disinfectants, antiseptics, disinfectio

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