
Grape pomace application in environmental studies: from waste to natural food preservative and source of biofuel


The geographic location of Republic of Macedonia is exceptional for breeding vine and specific grape varieties. But, the wine industry waste in general is a problem in Macedonia, since it does not have any usage. In the European Union, there is approximately 14.5 million tons of wine industry waste produced from wineries ( In fact, the wine industry waste (grape pomace) contains primarily crushed grape skins and seeds rich in beneficial polyphenol compounds that act as antioxidants, antibacterial agents etc. The largest fraction of winery waste is pomace, or the solid remains of grapes (skins, stalks and seeds), which is thrown away ending up in landfills. From another point of view, transport is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases and biofuels can significantly reduce transport’s carbon footprint since it is dependent on finite fossil fuels such as oil and petroleum for its energy needs (R.E.H. Sims, et al.). Biodiesel, provides significantly reduced emissions of carbon monoxide; compared to petroleum diesel fuel

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