
SMEs Empowerment Through International Aspirations


Challenges for SMEs development are multi-dimensional. As trade barriers, transport and communication costs fall, SMEs are required to add more value to their products to stay ahead and compete with lower cost rivals. Consumer demand is changing rapidly as incomes rise and choices increase when imported products become easily available in domestic markets. Competition within the developing world for export markets, foreign investment and resources is also intensifying. This was motivation to focus in this paper on SMEs, its export competitiveness, business strategies, access for financing and so on. Enhancing SME competitiveness requires creation of enabling legal, regulatory and administrative environments and capable institutional structures, and most importantly human capital and a sustainable environment. Removing supply-side constraint to trade and investment, require firms to build up their competitive advantages. Public and private sectors in transition and developing countries must work together to improve the functioning of markets at home, while intensifying efforts to integrate into the world economy

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