
Tectonic Position of the Alshar Au–As–Sb–Tl Deposit, Macedonia


During the second half of the 20th century, several dozen large and medium deposits of disseminated pyrite–marcasite ores with total gold reserves of more than 6000 t and annual gold production of ~200 t were found in the Basin and Range Province, Nevada, United States [1, 2]. This unique gold district is termed as the Carlin trend. The limited development of the Carlintype mineralization in other gold districts of the world is presently a debated issue. Naturally, each Carlin-type mineralization inferred beyond Nevada requires detailed investigations. In 2004, we began to study the Alshar deposit with Carlin-type mineralization together with Macedonian geologists [3]. The Alshar deposit is a large object in terms of Tl reserves and a medium reserve in terms of inferred Au reserves [3, 4]

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