
The Seedtime and the Maturity Groups Influencing the Number of Pods Per Plant on Soybean


The experiments were arranged according to the method of random block system with three repetitions on basic field parcels of 12.5 m2, within a three-year period (1998, 1999 and 2(00). The average number of the pods in the all seedtimes and for all varieties for the three year period (1998-2000) is 96. and it is 33.696 less than the average number of formed flowers. The average number of pods per plant for the thn1e year period in the seedtime is 10% bigger (101) in the first seedtime (21 march), than the fourth ssedtime (21 april). The variety with longer vegetation (group of maturity) "111",. during the three year period formes, the biggest numbs of pods per plant (121), but the variety with shorter vegetation (I group of ageing) .015" forms the smallest number of pods per plant (63)

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