


Racism is attitudes and discriminatory behavior toward people of given race. It means giving discriminative attitude and unequal treatment toward certain people because of race. It may make certain race feel considered superior or inferior because of the discrimination and unequal treatment. In this study, Men of Honor film became the object of the study because this film depicted discrimination and unequal treatments gotten by Negroes in the navy. The objectives of this study were to describe racism toward Negroes in the Men of Honor film, to explain the reaction of Negroes toward discrimination in racism, and to know the effect of discriminative attitude toward Negroes on White Americans in the Men of Honor film. The research design of this study was descriptive qualitative research, because this study deals with human behavior in social phenomena, in this case is racism in Men of Honor film. This study used literature sociology approach. In collecting the data, the writer watched the Men of Honor film directed by George Tillman Junior for several times, chose the data dealing with the problems that would be investigated, namely racism, identified which data were categorized into racism, selected the data which were related to the purpose of the study, and rewrote all of the data about racism depicted in the film. The finding showed that racism toward Negroes in this film could be seen from the discriminative attitude or treatment between white Americans and Black American or Negroes, such as: different day for swimming and different occupations in the navy. It also could be seen from the refusals which were accepted by Negroes, such as: refusal in the diving school and refusal to enter bar. In this film, there were two kinds of reaction done by Negroes toward discrimination in racism, namely: they were only accepted the racism toward them, and sometimes they struggled against racism toward them. And the effects of discriminative attitude toward Negroes on White Americans were that some White Americans became to feel superior, and some had pity on Negroes

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