Bibliography of Nebraska Geology, 1843-1976


Preface The computer brightened the 1970s considerably by giving researchers a tool for storing, retrieving and manipulating electronically sizable blocks of literary material on a single subject. which would otherwise have cost researchers years of scholarly investigation to bring together. It was in such a propitious moment mat we set out to assemble this state bibliography as an aid to scholars, researchers. scientists, teachers, writers, editors, and decision makers in the earth sciences, universities, and all levels of government. As we collected, compiled, and checked citations for this bibliography, we relied heavily on the following standard sources that have indexed segments of the geologic literature of Nebraska: Bibliography of North American Geology (U.S. Geological Survey); Bibliography and Index of Geology (Geologic Society of America and American Geological Institute): Bibliography of Theses Written for Advanced Degrees in Geology and Related Sciences at Universities and Colleges in the United States and Canada Through 1957 (Chronic and Chronic): Bibliography of Theses in Geology, 1958·1963 (Chronic and Chronic); Bibliography of Theses in Geology. 1964 (Ward); Bibliography of Theses in Geology, 1965-1966 (Ward and O\u27Callaghan); Bibliography of Theses in Geology, 1967-1970 (Ward); and Dissertation Abstracts International (University Microfilms). Other important bibliographies checked for references were The List of Publications of the Nebraska Geological Survey (Barbour); Bibliography of Nebraska Geology and Mineral Resources, 1814-1941 (unpublished manuscript by W. R. Johnson; Geological Section of Nebraska (Condra and Reed); The Geological Bibliography of Nebraska (Barbour and Fisher); and List of Publications (Conservation and Survey Division). Additional references were collected from public catalogs of the University Libraries of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As many as possible original publications were consulted In the process of collecting citations for this bibliography. When original documents were not available for verification, we relied on secondary sources for bibliographic data. These items were rechecked in other secondary sources whenever possible to ensure accuracy of the data. The KWIC computer software program used to prepare the keyword index was provided by the Computation Center at the University or Texas at Austin. Dr. Thomas A. Griffy, chairman of the Department of Physics, University of Texas, made available both computer time and computer laboratory facilities in support or this project. Special appreciation goes to Lyle Schreiner, science librarian at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, who provided administrative support and encouragement for the project. A special word of thanks goes to the faculty of the Conservation and Survey Division, many of whom helped to locate fugitive references and to resolve sticky bibliography problems. Those who read the entire manuscript and offered helpful suggestions include Professors Ray Bentall, Marvin P. Carlson, Robert F. Diffendal, Jr., and Roger K. Pabian. We assume responsibility for any shortcomings that remain In the text. And because few if any major bibliographies are ever complete, we invite readers to send us additions, corrections, or emendations that may prove useful in any subsequent revision or extension of this bibliography

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