
The flat-headed apple-tree borer, a serious orchard pest throughout the greater part of United States, is found from the Atlantic to Pacific and from Florida and Texas to Canada. The larva, or grub, of this insect (which in the adult stage is a medium-sized beetle) bores in the bark and wood of a great variety of trees, but is best known as an enemy of apple, pear, peach, and other cultivated fruit trees. Its depredations are felt in almost every locality where orchards have been planted. Fortunately, this borer almost invariably confines its attacks to the sunny sides of trees that have been weakened or injured by some other agency. Any system of orchard culture and care that will produce sound, upright, vigorous trees is the best pr2ctice for preventing loss from this borer. The orchardist may take advantage of the beetle\u27s preference while engaged in egg laying for warm sunlight. Low-formed branches on the south side of trees and boards set in the ground so as to throw a shadow on the trunks of newly planted trees will cause the beetles to seek for sunnier places in which to leave their eggs. This and other methods of control are described on pages 10 to 12

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