Antelope County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 2


In 1930, the Conservation and Survey Division of the University of Nebraska and the U.S. Geological Survey began a program of cooperative groundwater studies in Nebraska. Since then test drilling by use of rotary drilling equipment has been an integral part of that program. This report contains logs of all the test holes drilled in the county under the program as well as those drilled by the Conservation and Survey Division with financial assistance from other government agencies. The map in this report shows the location of all test holes drilled in the county since 1930. Present techniques of test-hole logging and sampling include use of drilling mud suitable to drilling conditions, timing by stopwatch of the drilling of each 5-foot increment of depth, and removal of all cuttings from the test hole at intervals of 5 feet or less. During the drilling of the hole, cuttings from each interval are examined immediately; samples representing each 5-foot interval and each recognizable change in material are retained. After samples are washed, they are described lithologically and the color is evaluated by comparison with standard color charts. The samples then are dried, stored, and cataloged. Beginning in September 1951, the test holes have been logged electrically. All samples are processed and kept on open file in the offices of Conservation and Survey Division, 113 Nebraska Hall, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 68588. This publication is one of a series being issued to make more readily available the record of test holes drilled since 1930. The series of publications is made on a county basis and includes, with some exceptions, logs of all test holes drilled in each of the counties. The logs have not been reviewed for conformance with editorial standards and nomenclature. The method whereby the altitude of the land surface at test-hole sites was determined is indicated in the heading of each log, as follows: a = altimeter, h = hand leveling, I = spirit leveling, t = estimated from topographic map. The test-hole records accurately reflect subsurface conditions only at the locations where the test holes were drilled. Interpretive data reflecting probable subsurface conditions between test-holes are being compiled for publication in county reports and are available for inspection in the office of the Conservation and Survey Division. Each test hole is identified by a number assigned in the field (for example #3-B-67, #41-79), and most are also identified by a number indicating its location within the land divisions of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management\u27s survey of Nebraska. Location numbers of test holes east of the 6th principal meridian, which passes through Columbus in a north-south direction, are preceded by the capital letter A; those west of the principal meridian have no preceding letter. The first numeral indicates the township, the second the range, and the third the section. As shown in figure I, the letters that follow the section number indicate the location of the test hole within the section, the first letter indicating the quarter section and the second letter indicating the quarter-quarter section. The letters A, B, C, and D are applied in counterclockwise direction beginning with A in the northeast quadrant. The last numeral is the serial number of the test hole within the quarter-quarter section. No number is shown unless more than one test hole is within the given quarter-quarter section

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