Annual Planning for Academic Leaders


Annual Planning for Academic Leaders Have the days of the Academic Master Plan gone by the wayside? It seems like yesterday that we were all excited to craft these guiding documents that had the exciting acronyms of AMP (our future is electrifying!) or MAP (our guide to our destination!). But were they ever used? Somewhere in my file cabinet is a pristine copy of a MAP that was created several years before I arrived. A consultant guided the creation of this document that was hundreds of pages long, and it has done nothing but accumulate dust. If not a MAP, then what? I prefer to use an annual work plan (I am still working on a clever name). In the annual plan we identify our tactics for the year, and we also record additional projects we may choose to take on in following years. We identify how each tactic aligns with the strategic plan, and our college wide annual focus goals (a topic for a different article)

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