Grassroots Leadership Development


Over a four-year period, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation invested more than $20 million in grants to 23 local, regional, and national organizations involved in grassroots leadership development. Dr. Jeanne Campbell, a Minnesota-based research consultant, was retained to lead the research on this project. Her charge was to visit these 23 organizations and capture what they had learned about grassroots leadership. Largely based on the Campbell Report, this workbook provides new insights for aspiring or current grassroots leaders to sharpen and clarify assumptions about grassroots leadership and its power.Healthy communities need involved citizens. A civil society depends on citizen concern and citizen action as its lifeblood. How we sustain and strengthen communities is an enduring question. The examples in this workbook offer practical, proven suggestions on how to strengthen and build healthy communities.Whether you are interested in solving a problem in your community or involving more of your neighbors in your cause, you'll find something of value to your work in these findings. Some of the findings give weight and credibility to the obvious or assumed. Others break new ground and point to approaches that can help all of us get more results from grassroots leadership efforts.What follows are the five main findings from this research and related work by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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