Primary Care's Historic Role in Vaccination and Potential Role in COVID-19 Immunization Programs


Purpose: COVID-19 pandemic recovery will require a broad and coordinated effort for infection testing, immunity determination, and vaccination. With the advent of several COVID-19 vaccines, the dissemination and delivery of COVID-19 immunization across the nation is of concern. Previous immunization delivery patterns may reveal important components of a comprehensive and sustainable effort to immunize everyone in the nation. Methods: The delivery of vaccinations were enumerated by provider type using 2017 Medicare Part B Fee-For-Service data and the 2013-2017 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. The delivery of these services was examined at the service, physician, and visit level. Results: In 2017 Medicare Part B Fee-For-Service, Primary Care Physicians provided the largest share of services for vaccinations (46%), followed closely by Mass Immunizers (45%), then NP/PAs (5%). The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey showed that Primary Care Physicians provided most clinical visits for vaccination (54% of all visits). Conclusions: Primary Care Physicians have played a crucial role in delivery of vaccinations to the U.S. population, including the elderly, between 2012-2017. These findings indicate primary care practices may be a crucial element of vaccine counseling and delivery in the upcoming COVID-19 recovery and immunization efforts in the United States. of 874-20V3_PP.pdf : Main ArticleSEL

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