Veering Characteristics in Walking with a Long Cane: Focus on Persons with Congenital Visual Impairment


本研究では,先天性視覚障害者4名を対象に歩行速度(「遅い」・「通常」・「速い」)が白杖歩行の偏軌にどのような影響を与えているのかを定量的に明らかにすることを目的とした。さらに,白杖を持たない歩行についても検討し,それらから白杖歩行の偏軌における特徴について分析した。先天性視覚障害者3名の偏軌距離は「通常」が最も小さかった。白杖なし歩行と白杖歩行(「遅い」・「通常」・「速い」)それぞれの偏軌距離に有意差は認められなかった。ただし,これらの結果は対象者3名のため統計的処理に耐えられなかった。歩行軌跡に関して,先天性視覚障害者3名の内,2名がR型,1名がLR型に分類され,3類型の分類は日常的な歩行場面との関連があり,歩行を評価する際の一資料になりうることが示唆された。また,残り1名の先天性視覚障害者の歩行軌跡はゴールラインまで到達しない地点で,偏軌距離が5m よりも大きい値を示しただけでなく,駅ホームからの転落経験を有していた。そのため,偏軌が大きく生じると重大な事故につながる危険性があり,それを生じないようにするための対策が必要となると考えられた。The primary aim of this study was to examine how walking speed at three difference paces (slow, preferred, fast) affected veering while walking with a long cane in four adults with congenital visual impairment. We also compared the two conditions of walking with and without a long cane, and we revealed veering characteristics in walking with a long cane. In walking with a long cane, veering was less at the preferred pace than at the slow and fast pace. There was no significant difference in veering under the two conditions of walking at three paces with a long cane held in the dominant hand and walking at the preferred pace without a long cane. But these results were not enough for statistical processing as there were three subjects. Walking trajectory in subjects could be categorized into two subjects was R type; veering to the right and one subject was LR type; veering to the right or left. It was suggested that classification of three types is related to daily walking, and could be an evaluation indicator. Veering of one subject was more than five meters. Also, this subject had the experience of falling from train platforms. With risks leading to serious accidents involving large veering, countermeasures must be taken

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