Home Visiting Nurse Stations in pediatric nursing -- 1st report: The state and subject of home visiting nurse station's activity from station's point of view --
本研究は,訪問看護ステーションにおける小児訪問看護活動の現状を明らかにし,今後の課題を明らかにすることを目的とした.全国の看護協会訪問看護ステーションを対象に,半構成型の質問紙調査を実施した.調査結果から小児訪問看護実施上の課題として次の3点が明らかとなった.1)小児訪問看護実施要件についての認識からは,単なる「連携と情報交換」「合同カンファレンス」のみならず,「家族や他職種の小児訪問看護への理解」「家族との信頼関係形成」「退院前の居宅訪問の実施」「退院後の生活を考えた指導」の必要性に対する認識に立脚した実務的な連携を築く必要がある.2)小児訪問看護の実施状況からは,「訪問看護制度に関する訪問看護ステーションからの情報発信と連携への働きかけ」「小児訪問看護の適応の拡大「レスパイトケアや受診同行などの役割充足」が必要である.3)課題解決に導くには,直接的なケア内容の充実化のみならず,訪問看護制度や保険制度の見直しが必要と考えられた.Purposes of this qualitative study were to clarify the state of Home Visiting Nurse Stations (HVNSt) for children. A questionnaire was distributed to 161 Nursing Association Visiting Nursing Stations, and 59 available replies (36.6%) were received. Results were as follows: 1) In understanding the necessary qualifications for home visiting for children, we should build cooperation based on exchanging information with each other. Home visiting nurse's role should be appreciated by families and related institutions. Making good relations between family and nurse for example, visiting home before discharge, discharge preparation and planning to individualize the client's needs after discharge. 2)In home visiting for children, we should extend the number of subjects who can accept services, extend services such as respite support, or nurse helping child and family when they see a doctor. 3)We should provide full direct nursing services. We should reconsider the system of insurance and the role of the Home Visiting Nurse