Security on the Abusive Social Network Sites- A Survey


To share business interests, the internet social network have become the common platform where users communicate through which My Space, Second Life and similar web2.0 sites can pose malicious security hazards. The social networking sites are viewed as a kind of online cocktail party in business view as a friendly comfortable place to establish contacts, associate buyers or sellers and raise personal or corporate file. To the maxim, cocktail party metaphor is not pure, obviously in the content of a load glass house for social network serves, the users are served in with care and endless visibility through a highly amplified bullhorn. The social network sites are accessed from the comfort and privacy by maximum users, there is a possibility of false sense of anonymity where the users natural defences can too devasted due to the lack of physical contact on social network site by which there is an endanger of disclosing the information of individuals which would never think of revealing to another at a cocktail partys

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