Prevalence of ovarian tumours among ovarian mass lesions in Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, India


Background: Ovarian tumor is one of the most common gynecological tumors seen in female although there are different types of ovarian tumor but epithelial ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death in women. It is often called the “silent killer” because the disease is not often detected until it reaches an advance stage.Methods: This observational study conducted on 130 patients from February 2015 to March 2017 in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior. Clinical details of the patients included age, gynaecological and obstetric history, presenting symptoms, and surgery details. Histopathological reporting was done at our Pathology department.Results: Out of total 130 patients with ovarian tumours studied 49.2% were > 60 years of age group, most of them were nullipara (53.8%), 54.6% with ovarian tumours presented after one-year development of symptoms. most of the symptoms were vague and nonspecific. Benign tumours were the most prevalent (79.2%), 19.2% were malignant tumours and 1.5% were borderline. Histological pattern of distribution of ovarian tumour shows that most of ovarian tumour were surface epithelial tumour (72 patients) followed by germ cell tumour (58 patients). Age wise distribution of study population showed that most of the surface epithelial tumour were more common in 3rd to 5th decade while most of germ cell tumour were more frequent in 2nd and 3rd decade.Conclusions: For better prognosis and patient survival, early detection and treatment is mandatory, which may reduce mortality. There is need to increase awareness of population. Abdominal and pelvic bimanual examination should be carried out in every patient presenting with gynecological problem. Appropriate investigations in post-menopausal women in early period to diagnose the disease at an early stage

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