Type-Ahead Search in XML data based on Improved Forward Index Structure: ATASK


The keyword based search system is most widely used in many real time applications for getting the required information from huge amount of dataset in quick time. There are many keyword search based systems and methods presented by various authors already, as the time goes, this methods becomes inefficient in different ways. The all previous methods did not work for search XML data in mode of type-ahead search, and hence it is not trivial to extend existing techniques to support fuzzy type-ahead search in XML data. Previous methods are not purely based on XML data and as XML data is consisting of parent and child nodes, it is complex to understand such format to read for existing methods. Existing methods directly works on single document. Thus to overcome the limitations of existing methods, we need to have efficient XML based type-ahead shear method. Recently we have studied one such method, which is called as TASX (pronounced “task”). This is fuzzy type-ahead search method in XML data. This method searches the XML data during the typing of keyword from user end and it searches XML data even if it’s misspelled. Experimentally this method showing efficient performance as compared to existing methods, but there are still suggestions over this method for improvement. Here, we are presenting extended approach for XML based type-ahead search method ATASX (pronounced “a task”). In this method we are proposing to use improved forward-index structure method with aim of improving the search efficiency it reduces searching time and provides result quality

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