Photoelectrodes with titanate nanotubes sensitized by mesoporphyrin derivative from cashew nut shell


Titanate nanotubes (TiNTs) with the chemical composition Na2Ti3O7.nH2O (NaTiNT) were obtained througha hydrothermal method in highly alkaline medium. Protonated titanates nanotubes (H-TiNTs), with the compositionH2Ti3O7.nH2O, were prepared by ion exchange reaction through a suspension of Na2Ti3O7nH2Onanotubes in HCl medium, promoting the exchange of Na+ ions by H+. Both Na2Ti3O7.nH2O andH2Ti3O7.nH2O products, as well the TiO2 used as raw material for the nanotubes processing, were used asstarting material for the solar cells photoelectrodes sensitized using mesoporphyrin extracted from a precursorof cashew nut shell. Exposing the NaTiNT sample to solar radiation of 1258 W/m2, a short-circuit currentdensity (ISC) of 13 A/cm2 and an open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 370 mV were registered and, a current densityof 7.6 A/cm2 and a voltage of 256 mV for the prototype cell based on H-TiNTs. A current density of 1.1A/cm2 and an open-circuit voltage of 1.6 mV were obtained for the cell using TiO2 as electrode.Keywords: Titanate Nanotubes. Ionic exchange. Mesoporphyrin. Dye-sensitized solar cell

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