Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
Symmetric collocation methods with radial basis functions allow
approximation of the solution of a partial differential equation, even if the
right-hand side is only known at scattered data points, without needing to
generate a grid. However, the benefit of a guaranteed symmetric positive
definite block system comes at a high computational cost. This cost can be
alleviated somewhat by considering compactly supported radial basis functions
and a multiscale technique. But the condition number and sparsity will still
deteriorate with the number of data points. Therefore, we study certain block
diagonal and triangular preconditioners. We investigate ideal preconditioners
and determine the spectra of the preconditioned matrices before proposing
more practical preconditioners based on a restricted additive Schwarz method
with coarse grid correction (ARASM). Numerical results verify the
effectiveness of the preconditioners