Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
Automatic inspection of network payloads is a prerequisite for
effective analysis of network communication. Security research has largely
focused on network analysis using protocol specifications, for example for
intrusion detection, fuzz testing and forensic analysis. The specification of
a protocol alone, however, is often not sufficient for accurate analysis of
communication, as it fails to reflect individual semantics of network
applications. We propose a framework for semantics-aware analysis of network
payloads which automaticylly extracts semantic components from recorded
network traffic. Our method proceeds by mapping network payloads to a vector
space and identifying semantic templates corresponding to base directions in
the vector space. We demonstrate the efficacy of semantics-aware analysis in
different security applications: automatic discovery of patterns in honeypot
data, analysis of malware communication and network intrusion detection