Review of the selection Criteria for energy auditor to identify the energy efficient projects


this study indicated the role of energy auditor to identify the energy efficient projects. Three main types of audits are: Preliminary, Single Purpose, and Comprehensive. Selecting the appropriate type of audit for your facility saves you time and money. Each type is distinguished by the level of detail and analysis required to complete the audit. The less detailed the audit, the less accurate the estimates of project costs and energy savings. Depending on your organization’s contracting requirements, the consultant who will conduct the energy audit and prepare the technical report can be selected either by sole source or competitive bid. The cost of an audit can be determined through price negotiations or competitive bidding. In either case, you must inform the bidders of the scope of the audit and its minimum reporting and analytical requirements, such as those contained in the Energy Commission’s feasibility study guide. This is to ensure that you are getting audit costs for comparable work

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