IoT-Fog-Edge-Cloud Computing Simulation Tools, A Systematic Review


The Internet of Things (IoT) perspective promises substantial advancements in sectors such as smart homes and infrastructure, smart health, smart environmental conditions, smart cities, energy, transportation and mobility, manufacturing and retail, farming, and so on. Cloud computing (CC) offers appealing computational and storage options; nevertheless, cloud-based explanations are frequently conveyed by downsides and constraints, such as energy consumption, latency, privacy, and bandwidth. To address the shortcomings related to CC, the advancements like Fog Computing (FC) and Edge Computing (EC) are introduced later on. FC is a novel and developing technology that connects the cloud to the network edges, allowing for decentrali zed computation. EC, in which processing and storage are performed nearer to where data is created, may be able to assist address these issues by satisfying particular needs such as low latency or lower energy use. This study provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of IoT-Fog-Edge-Cloud Computing simulation tools to assist researchers and developers in selecting the appropriate device for research studies while working through various scenarios and addressing current reality challenges. This study also takes a close look at various modeling tools, which are examined and contrasted to improve the future

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