Abstract— Alami Herbal is a store that sells many kinds fo herbal product with a focus on good service and good quality. The difficulty of delivering information about herbal product, the difficulty of finding a good media campaign , then it encourages Alami Herbal searching for alternative media to promote their products . One way is using online media . With the Internet, information is easily passed from one to another without being obstructed time and distance . The purpose of this research is to produce an information system and promotional web-based, expand the sales area and facilitate the transaction. Consumers who want to buy a product does not necessarily have to come to the store or outlite, because the information submitted through the website can be accessed online anywhere and anytime. Data collection methods used include direct interviews to source the required data . Another method is to collect literature references related to the topic of online sales . This research is expected to be a means of marketing and promotion of effective and efficient products for Alami Herbal for the present and future.Abstract— Alami Herbal is a store that sells many kinds fo herbal product with a focus on good service and good quality. The difficulty of delivering information about herbal product, the difficulty of finding a good media campaign , then it encourages Alami Herbal searching for alternative media to promote their products . One way is using online media . With the Internet, information is easily passed from one to another without being obstructed time and distance . The purpose of this research is to produce an information system and promotional web-based, expand the sales area and facilitate the transaction. Consumers who want to buy a product does not necessarily have to come to the store or outlite, because the information submitted through the website can be accessed online anywhere and anytime. Data collection methods used include direct interviews to source the required data . Another method is to collect literature references related to the topic of online sales . This research is expected to be a means of marketing and promotion of effective and efficient products for Alami Herbal for the present and future.
Intisari— Alami Herbal merupakan sebuah toko yang menjual berbagai macam obat herbal dengan fokus pelayanan dan kualitas barang yang terjamin. Sulitnya penyampaian informasi produk herbal, sulitnya mendapatkan media promosi yang baik, maka hal itu mendorong Alami Herbal mencari media alternatif untuk mempromosikan produknya. Salah satu caranya adalah menggunakan media online. Dengan adanya internet, informasi menjadi mudah disalurkan dari satu pihak kepada pihak yang lainnya tanpa terhalang waktu dan jarak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi dan promosi penjualan produk herbal berbasis web, memperluas area penjualan dan mempermudah transaksi. Customer yang ingin membeli produk tidak perlu harus datang ke toko, karena informasi yang disampaikan melalui website bisa diakses secara online dimanapun dan kapanpun. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi metode wawancara langsung terhadap sumber data yang dibutuhkan. Metode lain adalah kepustakaan dengan mengumpulkan referensi yang berhubungan dengan tema pembahasan tentang penjualan online. Dari penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi sarana pemasaran dan promosi produk yang efektif dan efisien bagi Alami Herbal untuk masa sekarang dan masa yang akan datang