Checking and auditing system used in the Saint Paul Hotel, St. Paul, Minn. installed by the National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio; National Checking and auditing system for hotels


When the new St. Paul Hotel of St. Paul. Minn., opened in April, 1910, it was fully equipped with National Cash Registers. After experience with other systems in various hotels, the management, after a thorough investigation, decided that a complete National Cash Register system would give them the best control in handling the business of their new hotel. This system has now been in operation for more than two years and has done the work expected of it. That this is the most complete hotel auditing system ever devised, will be understood by reading this book. It is based entirely upon mechanical and machine printed records; it furnishes an accurate, unchangeable record of every transaction ; gives classified information to the manager of the hotel at any time he wishes it, and makes possible quick and accurate service to hotel patrons. By means of registers specially adapted to the different departments, records are made which provide a complete check on the entire receipts of the house, including the Front Office, as well as the Cafes, Cigar Stands, Bar, Billiard Room, Barber Shop. Banquet and Special Service, etc.â⠡¬â€�in fact every department that represents revenue to the hotel. As a part of this system there is provided a master audit register which is located in the auditor\u27s office. The records on this machine, which are taken from reports furnished the auditor from the registers located in the different departments, form a control or check on the accuracy of the bookkeeping department. These controlling records provide a perfect safeguard on the entire receipts of the house. Language : en

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