Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver in a boy of 13 years old


Introduction. Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver is one of the most common benign liver new growths. Most often the disease is manifested in women aged 30-40 years. The incidence ratio of women to men is 10: 1. The emergence of this pathology is associated with the response of hepatocytes to the local vasculature malformation. The indications for operative intervention are pain in the liver or progressive growth of the tumor. The operation is also recommended, when it is impossible to conduct differential diagnosis with other bulk liver diseases. Case report. The boy of 13 years old was find out to have the formation of liver 81x65x68 mm by size, that became the reason of hospitalization in our clinic. The patient didn’t complain about his state of health, the temperature of body was normal. The results of laboratory research methods were concordant to age norm. Existence of new growth in 6th and 7th hepatic segments projection was proofed by ultrasound and CT. We found out, that the formation was hypervasculared, located partially out of hepatical parenchyma and had clear contours with centrally localized dense fibrous tissue. Access was implemented by laparotomy high resection, hepatic duadenal ligament was niped and the tumor was removed by atypical resection of liver. Hemostasis is achieved by stitching, coagulation of the wound surface with an argon-plasma coagulator “PlasmaJet” and powdering by “PerClot”. The postoperative period passed without any complications, the patient was discharged in satisfactory condition on 7th day after surgery. Repeated inspection after 3 months has show satisfactory child’s condition again. No data for relapse of the disease there. Conclusion. The tactics of treating FNH of liver, that arose in childhood, presuppose surgical resection. This is due to the trend towards intensive growth of tumor in conditions of child’s organism

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