Sephardim - The thread of the Mediterranean


Audio-vizuelno delo "Sefardi - Nit Mediterana" autorke Marije Vitas u produkciji Tematskih kanala Radio Beograda koje je predstavljalo RTS na regionalnom konkursu COPEAM – "Kreirajte program uz korišćenje arhive", pobednik je ovogodišnjeg takmičenja. Tema je bila "Odnos među mediteranskim zemljama: istorijska perspektiva". Delo "Sefardi - Nit Mediterana" govori o Sefardima i sefardskoj muzici, kao jasnom primeru povezivanja različitih tradicija i naroda. Izlaskom iz Španije krajem 15. veka, Sefardi su se kretali i privremeno ili stalno naseljavali na širem području Mediterana. Nihovo nasleđe je primer uzbudljive i nedokučive kulturne razmene, koja se vekovima odvijala na Mediteranu. Tokom 20. i u prvim decenijama 21. veka, sefardskoj muzici ne opada popularnost. Naprotiv, ona je nepresušni izvor savremenog preispitivanja identiteta sefardskih umetnika, ali i inspiracija kreativnim stvaraocima nesefardskog porekla širom sveta.The audio-visual work "Sephardim - The Thread of the Mediterranean" by Marija Vitas, produced by Radio Belgrade's Thematic Channels and represented by RTS at the COPEAM regional competition - "Create a program using archives", is the winner of this year's competition. The topic was "Relations between Mediterranean countries: a historical perspective". The work "Sephardim - The Thread of the Mediterranean" talks about Sephardim and Sephardic music, as a clear example of connecting different traditions and peoples. Leaving Spain at the end of the 15th century, the Sephardim moved and temporarily or permanently settled in the wider Mediterranean area. Their legacy is an example of an exciting and elusive cultural exchange that has taken place in the Mediterranean for centuries. During the 20th and in the first decades of the 21st century, Sephardic music did not lose its popularity. On the contrary, it is an inexhaustible source of contemporary re-examination of the identity of Sephardic artists, but also an inspiration to imaginative creators of non-Sephardic origin around the world.Link: []Titl na engleskom jeziku (English subtitle)

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