Management of IoT systems for urban services


Urban Cities are growing exponentially and with them the need for efficient management of city resources. SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and IoT (Internet of Things) provides promising solutions for this issue. SOA brings interoperability, reusability and dynamic discovery. Whereas, IoT provide next evolution on the Internet by allowing physical real-world objects to connect to the internet through unique identifiers. Arrowhead Project has developed a framework to provide collaborative automation by enabling embedded devices to interact with each other. This project uses SOA to target five different domains. These domains include Smart Building and Infrastructure, Energy Production, Virtual Market of Energy, Production, and Electro-Mobility. In the thesis, three applications were developed. Light Simulator was developed to demonstrate the working principle of the IoT enabled Light devices. Meter application was developed to monitor and manage IoT enabled systems. Finally, Energy Consumption service was developed as a pilot service for Arrowhead Project. This service was deployed on Arrowhead and it calculates the energy consumed by different real-time objects. Furthermore, since Arrowhead framework follows all principles of SOA, reusability of above services can provide composability to develop further applications

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