Environmental Risk Assessment of Resfoam 1K-M


Årsliste 2000An environmental risk assessment has been performed for the product Rescon Resfoam 1K-M, a semisolid polyurethane foam, using PEC/PNEC approach. This evaluation has not identified any risk to the environment through the professional use of Rescon Resfoam 1K-M. Most of the compounds associated with the product Rescon Resfoam 1K-M are documented to be of low toxicity to aquatic organisms. PNEC (Predicted No Effect Concentration) was established from acute toxicity values applying an assessment factor of 1000. PEC (Predicted Environmental Concentration) was estimated by constructing a worst case scenario based on very conservative postulations. As no risk was identified in this very conservative worst case scenario, it is not necessary to refine the exposure model. refine the exposure model. The polyurethane foam produced is an inert compound, which will persist in the environment indefinitly. Care should be taken that any letover injection or accidental spills are collected and deposited according according to local regulations.RESCON MAPEI A

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