
Leukemia is closely linked with the blood or bone marrow. Leukemia is regard as cancer of the blood cells (usually white blood cells). The abnormal white blood cells formed in leukemia also accumulate in the organs of the body such as the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, testes, and brain, and interfere with normal functioning of the organ. Leukemia is of four common type; Acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Leukemia symptoms are predominantly paleness, fatigue, bone pain, asthemia, palpitation, frequent infection, nose bleeding and thrombocytopenia. Neuro-Fuzzy Logic explores approximation techniques from neural networks to finds the parameter of a fuzzy system. In this paper, the traditional procedure for the medical diagnosis of leukemia employed by physician is analyzed using neuro-fuzzy inference procedure. From the system designed if the patient is having five or more of the enlisted symptoms, the patient is experiencing 201C;severe Leukemia201D; and should go for treatment urgently. If it is approximately four of the symptoms the patient is experiencing, the patient 201C;might be suffering from Leukemia201D; and hence should see a physician right away, but if it is three or less of the enlisted symptoms, the patient is not 201C;suffering from Leukemia201D;. The system which demonstrates the practical application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the health sector is interactive and tells the patient his current condition as regards Leukemia

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