
Women especially in under developing countries are not empowered in most of fields of life. They depend on male members in a number of ways. No doubt, education and training of society is best tool to empower women. Media can play positive role to promote awareness to empower women in society. This paper aims to evaluate role of media and find out measures to improve its role to empower women in Pakistan. This was a survey study based on data collected from four hundred and ninety nine literate female. A questionnaire was used as tool of study. It concluded that majority of women rarely or never used media. The women who used media felt that they got positive impact on their status. Regarding the frequency to use media, positive relationship between use of media and women empowerment score was explored. Critical analysis of role of media in views of women helped to conclude that it has played some positive roles to educate women regarding women empowerment but needs some improvements. It is highlighting women violence cases, giving awareness to women to adopt impressive life styles. Moreover, it is promoting social awareness among women and educating them about their rights, responsibilities and problems in society. But, it is playing weak role in professional development of women. It is not educating them to generate their income, techniques to get equal status in society. It has suggested writers to write literature to educate people about the benefits of women empowerment to society, family and men and aware people about techniques to raise status of women in society by empowering the

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