Completion-based computation of most specific concepts with limited role-depth for EL and Prob-EL⁰¹


In Description Logics the reasoning service most specific concept (msc) constructs a concept description that generalizes an ABox individual into a concept description. For the Description Logic EL the msc may not exist, if computed with respect to general EL-TBoxes or cyclic ABoxes. However, it is still possible to find a concept description that is the msc up to a fixed role-depth, i.e. with respect to a maximal nesting of quantifiers. In this report we present a practical approach for computing the roledepth bounded msc, based on the polynomial-time completion algorithm for EL. We extend these methods to Prob-EL⁰¹c , which is a probabilistic variant of EL. Together with the companion report [9] this report devises computation methods for the bottom-up construction of knowledge bases for EL and Prob-EL⁰¹c

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