Anonymised raw Schistosoma mansoni and host ABO blood group data for: Francoeur et al. ABO blood group do not predict Schistosoma mansoni infection profiles in highly endemic villages of Uganda


Raw anonymised Schistosoma mansoni and human host ABO blood group dataset from school-aged children, aged 6-14, from three high endemicity villages in Mayuge District Uganda. Data include age, sex, height, weight, village, date, timepoint pre and post treatment with praziquantel and albendazole, up to three days per timepoint of duplicate Kato-Katz slides with infection intensity data for S. mansoni and soil-transmitted helminth infections, including hookworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Hymenolepis nana, and Enterobius vermicularis, recorded, and ABO and Rhesus positive or negative blood group type

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