Changing classroom behavior : an assessment of an elementary school counselling program


An elementary school counselling program in a school district in the lower mainland of British Columbia was assessed. A teacher questionnaire was used to rate the quality and effectiveness of the counselling program. Goal attainment scales, the Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept Scale (PHCSCS), the Pupil Behavior Rating Scale (PBRS), and behavioral observations were used as outcome measure to evaluate the effectiveness of counselling intervention on changing student behavior. Two types of behavioral observations were used: (a) off-task behavior, and (b) clinical observations of peer and teacher interactions. A description of the program and of the counsellor's role was presented. The program consisted of one counsellor working in three schools with a yearly caseload of 51 students. The counsellor was found to spend time consulting with teachers and parents, and counselling students and parents. Both program goals and the counsellor role description were found to be lacking in clarity. The program was found to be effective as perceived by the teachers. The classroom behavior of the six students who were receiving services from the counsellor improved as measured by the goal attaiment scales and the behavioral observations. The PBRS and the PHCSCS did not detect a general trend of change in the students' behavior.Education, Faculty ofEducational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS), Department ofGraduat

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