ESL Curriculum: Oral Language Acquisition for Teaching Under-Privileged School-Aged Children of Hopeful Academy, Ibadan, Nigeria


This project is centered on the development of the ESL curriculum for teaching of oral language to under-privileged school-aged children of Hopeful Academy, Ibadan-Nigeria. It investigated the question “How does Poverty impact the Oral Language Acquisition of English by School-Aged Children in Nigeria?” The content-based learning approach and the input-based approach served as useful guides in designing this ESL curriculum. The materials, activities, and units of this ESL Curriculum are mostly based on the Total Physical Response (TPR) from the WIDA English Language Proficiency standards. Children’s poor environments prevent them from being exposed to higher quantity and quality language learning environments. Learners do not always learn the same way since they are influenced by age, gender, and motivation. Learners need flexible tools and techniques like lesson warm-up, classroom discourse, pairing and grouping of students, and visuals to learn effectively. Learners learn differently when they are exposed to authentic materials as opposed to memorizing rules and vocabulary words. Future research may examine how Kids Youtube influences the oral language acquisition of children ages one to five

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