Concrush: Understanding fugitive dust production and potential emission at a recycled concrete manufacturing facility


The production and emission of fugitive dust is a topic ofconcern that Concrush brought to the MISG, 2020. Concrushis recycled concrete manufacturing company in the Hunterregion of New South Wales. Concrush's operations producefugitive dust, fine particles that can escape the site. Fugitive dust can travel long distances from the site ofemission, and can have negative health impacts includingrespiratory illnesses. Presently, concrete recyclingfacilities are managed by the Environmental ProtectionAgency using guidelines initially developed for the coalindustry. Concrush seeks to understand the appropriatenessof these guidelines, and how they can reduce and managefugitive dust on their Teralba site. Mathematical modellingof dust emission and transport, together with a review ofsimilar processes in the literature, identified a number ofpractical options for Concrush to reduce their dustemissions. In addition, opportunities for improved datacollection are identified

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