Capacidade de água disponível no solo em diferentes usos e amostras de solo


The objective of this study was to evaluate soil water availability in different soil uses using two types of soil samples. The experiment was carried out in the southern state of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, using a completely randomized experimental design with a sub - divided plot, with three replications. The plots were four different uses of the soil (Tifton, Conilon coffee, Arabica coffee and receptive coffee), and in the subplots two types of samples, deformed and undisturbed. In the subsubparcels two depths 0.00-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m were evaluated. Soil moisture was determined in the eld capacity, the permanent wilting point and the total water availability. The eld capacity was not in uenced by the type of samples in the depth of 0-0.20 m, being in uenced in the depth of 0.20-0.40 m, overestimating the soil water content with deformed samples. The permanent wilting point was underestimated with deformed sample at the depths studied, which differed from each other. Soil water availability was overestimated with deformed sample for sample types and depths, differing from undisturbed. The use of the soil did not in uence the water storage components in the soil.Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a capacidade de água disponível no solo, em diferentes usos do solo utilizando dois tipos de amostras de solo. O experimento foi realizado sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, utilizando um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em esquema de parcela subsubdividida, com três repetições. As parcelas foram quatro diferentes usos do solo (Tifton, café Conilon, café Arábica e café recepado), e nas subparcelas dois tipos de amostras, deformada e indeformada. Nas subsubparcelas foram avaliadas duas profundidades 0,00-0,20 e 0,20-0,40 m. Foram determinadas a umidade do solo na capacidade de campo, o ponto de murcha permanente e a disponibilidade total de água. A capacidade de campo e a disponibilidade de água no solo foi subestimada com amostras deformadas na camada de 0,00-0,20 m. O ponto de murcha permanente foi subestimado com amostra deformada nas profundidades estudadas. O uso do solo não influenciou os componentes de armazenamento de água no solo

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