Analysis of Radiation Discretization for Modelling a Spark Gap for Surge Currents


In this paper we address a method for spectrally resolved radiation modelling in thermal plasmas encountered in surge protective devices based on spark gaps. Compared to most switching applications, power input and plasma pressure are much higher which leads to an optically thick plasma with line broadening and enhanced wall ablation. In this situation it is possible to capture the full effect of spectrally resolved radiation on plasma dynamics by performing line-by-line calculations with downsampled absorption spectra. We show that it is possible to achieve radiation convergence with 1000 lines. Approaches for a further reduction of calculation times using band-averaged models and κ\kappa-group models are discussed. The κ-group model is based upon a grouping of the absorption coefficients into subgroups with different ranges of κ before averaging. The spectral calculation results are compared to the approximative methods and significant differences for Rosseland means are observed

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