Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks: educative practices in Youth and Adult Education


This paper is intended to investigate the knowledge and conceptions of Youth and Adult Education students regarding alcohol consumption and its effects and outline educational practices that may contribute to the resignification of these aspects.  The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of ULBRA and CONEP and was carried out with Youth and Adult Education students in a public school in the city of Viamão. The guiding methodology consisted of participatory qualitative research. The work was performed at different stages comprising activities such as: literature review, visits to the study environment, application of data collection instruments with teachers and students and utilization of a didactic sequence. It was observed that students attributed, as major reasons for alcohol consumption, factors related to curiosity, need to overcome timidity, and family and financial issues. Regarding the effects of the substance on the body, the liver was predominantly mentioned, and the systemic effect of consumption on the body as a whole needs to be problematized. However, despite the perceived importance, it was found that the students had never participated in a study on the subject, which demonstrates the usefulness of these educational practices in youth and adult education

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